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TouchPad Family


Synaptics ForcePad® is a game-changing member of the Synaptics TouchPad™ family that alters the human-machine interface by delivering a new dimension to TouchPad control. In addition to being a quality TouchPad, ForcePad detects per-finger pressure or force sensitivity. By varying the amount of pressure applied, ForcePad is engineered to enable more intuitive and precise user interactions in both operating system controls and applications.

ForcePad, the next generation of the capacitive TouchPad portfolio, is a multi-finger, variable pressure detection, button-less TouchPad, which maximizes the gesture area that is ideal for a fast and fluid Microsoft® Windows® experience.

This TouchPad offers variable pressure detection, which allows for more efficient, and ergonomically-friendly gesture motions; easy and standardized programming model for developers; and more intuitive application-based user-interactions.


ForcePad is very thin, and, because it does not require additional buttons, it is designed for larger surface areas that are compatible with Microsoft’s TouchPad size recommendations.

No hinge. No button switches. Perfect for 2-in-1 PCs, which require thin components or other types of thin, light notebooks. OEMs can increase battery capacity by giving back more volume to the system for battery and cooling. ForcePad does not require tactile switches or hinges for button activations, allowing more space to be used for multi-touch gestures.

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