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At Synaptics, we strive to make a positive impact on the world and to empower others to do the same. We have multiple events, including All-Hands, “Ask-me-anything” and ‘SET-unplugged” events, for our employees to have open, ongoing conversations with senior leaders to discuss our workplace and culture, learn new topics, and build community with colleagues and peers. We use an independent employee engagement survey evolve and enhance our employee experience.

Today more than ever we live in a world dependent on connection. Synaptics technology and innovation is at the core of many devices that enable connection but we know that the true connection and the lifeblood of the company is the human connection. Our employees, families, communities, and customer partnerships are the heartbeat of the company and we strive to strike a balance between our dedication to the work we do every day and to serve the communities where we thrive. I am proud to lead Synaptics through the next stage of growth and connection to the world around us.

Michael Hurlston

We offer programs to assist with employees’ personal wellness, including fitness classes, an on-site gym facilities in some locations. We also offer annual health screening to reduce insurance premium costs.

We support national and international nonprofit organizations that focus on medical research, treatment, and service advocacy for diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, lung disease. Synaptics provides support for employees by paying entrance fees for fitness events that support these organizations.

If we are to stay competitive as a company, then we need to build a scientifically literate citizenry and a bank of highly skilled, STEM-literate employees. Our employees invest their time in supporting efforts such as The Tech Challenge in San Jose, upgrading a school and a lake in Bangalore, India and Junior Achievement in China, providing children with the scientific knowledge to prepare them not only for future employment, but to impact our world with positive innovation, design and technology.
